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What Not To Include In Your CV

The more concise the content, the better when it comes to your CV.

Omit unnecessary information. 

Why is this important? You will have the best chance of standing out if you can make your points clearly.

As a recruiter and CV writer, here’s some common mistakes we come across when reviewing CVs:

  • Hobbies/Interests -  Potential employers don’t give a hoot what you do for fun. They want to know if you can do the job well, and if you’re going to fit in. Keep the content relative.

  • Home address - It is important to name locations on your CV where appropriate. This includes location of job roles, places of education, and your location of residence. However, there is no need to include your street name and number. The name of a town, city, or suburb and city is sufficient. PLUS, this protects your privacy.

  • Your entire work history - If you have a long work history with a lot of job roles, we would recommend leaving out details for work history more than 10-20 years old. If your work history is quite varied then include the job title, dates of employment and the name of the business.

  • If your older job roles are similar to your more recent ones, we suggest noting on your CV (at the end of your work history details) ‘previous work history - available on request.’

  • Too much information - Conciseness and relativity is key. You will often be up against many others in your job application efforts, and too much information might see you getting lost amongst the masses.

Generally as a rule we recommend keeping your CV to a length of 1-2 pages.


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