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General CV Writing Tips

  • Utilise specific keywords from the advertisement throughout your resume

  • Don't use text over graphics, ATS won’t see pretty pictures

  • Use recognised sections such as Education, Qualifications, Experience, Hobbies, and References. Don’t try to be clever and come up with new headings

  • Stick to well known (plain) fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri and Courier

  • Use a consistent format throughout. Stick to 1-2 font sizes, e.g. Bold 14pt for headings, 12pt for text etc. Don’t mix things up too much

  • Avoid acronyms. e.g. Instead of CA write Chartered Accountant. Same applies for industry jargon, education etc

  • Instead of a career summary in the intro section - use an elevator pitch, that includes the key criteria for the role as well as your skills and achievements

  • If you are applying online - utilise free text boxes to provide more complete information to support your application. It shows you care and are not just ‘ticking the boxes’

  • If you are applying for jobs on Seek, take the time to complete all the information when setting up your Seek Profile (and ensure that the information is aligned with your resume)

  • Linkedin? If you haven’t got a Linkedin profile - get one! More and more businesses and recruiters are turning to Linkedin to search for talent to fill specific roles. Take the time to create your profile and if possible reach out to past employers to collect some Linkedin recommendations

  • Don’t Go crazy with keywords. Keyword ‘stuffing’ is easily spotted by ATS, plus the resume won’t read well if it does make it into the hands of a real person

  • Avoid images, pictures, symbols, shading and overuse of lingo

  • Spelling mistakes! Typos, grammar are critical. It will render your resume unreadable by ATS and it looks sloppy

Need some help getting your CV in top shape?

Your CV is your chance to introduce yourself to a prospective employer or recruiting company in a meaningful way. If you can show the person looking at your CV that you match the job description as closely as possible, then you have a much higher chance of securing that all important interview.

We have tested a number of SAAS CV writing tools and recommend Not only is it easy to use, when you have created your CV it will print in A4 size (correct for NZ / Australia); unlike many of the other online products available. 

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